Jan 232016
Joint Aikikai Council’s 2016 AGM – note that we only have seating for 20 people so if more attend it will be standing room only.
Premier Meetings Stoke (Trentham Gardens Premier Inn), Stone Road Stoke on Trent Staffordshire ST4 8JG United Kingdom | Sunday 10th April 2016 2:00pm start |
Meeting Rooms 1 & 2
- Review of 2015 AGM Minutes (attached)
Chairman’s report
Gen Sec’s report
Treasures report.
The content will be:
Welcome to the Affiliate members (note number of students joining the JAC via this route)
Insurance costs for 2016/2017 (cover details or changes/improvements)
Membership 2014 versus 2015 (or from JAC inception to date)
Plans for, or suggestions for the next JAC course (ie, Invitation to significant Hombu Instructor such as The Dojo Cho or Doshu. Suggestions for dates.)
Income 2014 versus 2015 (or from JAC inception to date)
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