The Joint Aikikai Council


JAC LogoThe JAC is a non-profit making umbrella organisation dedicated to the promotion of Aikikai Foundation aikido in the UK.
It has the full support and enthusiastic backing from the International Department of Hombu Dojo. (See attached certificate.) and it represents the majority of Aikikai recognised groups within the Mainland UK.
The groups that have full recognition from Hombu Dojo (as taken from Aikikai foundation website) are
British Birankai (JAC)
British aikido federation (JAC)
Komokan aikido association (JAC)
Scottish aikido federation (JAC)
United Kingdom Aikikai (JAC)
Dynamic Aikido Nocquet UK (D.A.N. U.K.)

The JAC sources its own insurance cover and runs recognised coaching courses for its Foundation Members.
The JAC had the honour and privilege to welcome Doshu to an event in 2010 and Dojo-Cho in 2015. All its Foundation Members maintain close links with Hombu Dojo resulting in at least two events per year arranged by JAC Foundation Members with Hombu Dojo Shihan, which all members are encouraged to attend.
All profit achieved will be redirected for the benefit of its members.
Any dojos or groups of dojos who wish to be part of the Aikikai family and have aspirations achieve Hombu recognition can join the JAC as ‘Fuzoku’ members. Any enquiry should be directed to any JAC Foundation Member groups or the General Secretary Guy Needler.

Latest News: A message from Doshu on the passing of Queen Elizabeth