United Kingdom Aikikai
The UKA was formed in 1986 by Mr.W Smith and other senior teachers, all with at least 25 years experience in teaching aikido.
The newly formed organisation was initially supported by K. Chiba Shihan, who was the founder of aikido in the UK and was a direct student of Ueshiba Sensei. Chiba Shihan was sent to the UK to build on the work started by Kenshiro Abbe Sensei.
Its formation came from a desire to create an organisation of sincere, dedicated practitioners that integrates and encourages training within everyday life. This philosophy remains within core UKA values today
The UKA is directly affiliated to the Hombu Dojo in Tokyo, the world headquarters of Aikido. Senior teachers from Hombu visit the UKA on a regular basis ensuring teachers of the UKA are kept on top form! All members’ grades are awarded by senior UKA teachers (Shidoin) and are authorised by Hombu dojo ensuring that all ranking is recognised world wide.
The UKA is affiliated with the Hombu Dojo in Tokyo, the world headquarters of Aikido
The present head of Hombu Dojo is Moriteru Ueshiba – the grandson of the founder – who travels throughout the world teaching seminars. In 1999, the UKA was honoured to receive Moriteru Ueshiba as its guest. The Hombu Dojo monitors the standard of aikido amongst the of thousands of practitioners around the world.
Senior teachers from Hombu Dojo regularly visit the UKA to ensure that the high standards of teaching within the UKA are maintained. All UKA grades are awarded by senior UKA teachers (Shidoin), who are authorised by Hombu Dojo. This authorisation guarantees recognition of all ranking throughout the world.
For more information please visit ukaikikai.org.uk